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Be an advocate

Recommend Sage solutions to your customers and earn commissions on your referrals.

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Refer customers and make money. Signing up to become an advocacy partner is simple.

There's no cost or ongoing commitment for program membership. Refer customers to Sage and get a one-time finder's fee or sign up for a percentage of the revenue. Get marketing support and materials to find more referrals. Use co-branded marketing materials to drive awareness. Get exclusive, early access to product announcements and release previews.

Accountants and Bookkeepers

Sage Accountant Solutions deliver innovative products that enable accounting professionals to meet the evolving needs of their firm and customers.

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Referral / Bank Partners

Expand your influence in the community and offer more services through your bank. Refer your merchants to Sage Payments and Sage Payroll to provide more value and deepen your relationship with your most important asset—your customers.

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Sage global partner program

Sage cloud and subscriptions solutions

Resell, refer, develop, or service Sage One, Sage Live, or Sage X3 Cloud solutions.

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Here's what other Sage partners have to say:

"The reason we chose Sage was because of their product mix. We're dealing with organizations that have their own solutions, and they're looking for us to be the payment expert. So we in turn look to Sage to be able to be ahead of the curve on things like EMV or PCI, or any type of integrated product they offer. It's the reason we selected them."

Craig Shapero
CEO, Fairway Payments

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