Register for the Education Partner program

Name of institution *
Type of institution *
If other, please specify
Address *
City *
State or Province *
ZIP or postal code *
Country *
Main office phone *
Relationship with institution *
Contact first name *
Contact last name *
Email *
Faculty or department *
Company *
Phone *
Product needed *
If other, please specify
How did you hear about us *

I certify that I represent an educational institution (secondary school, college, university, vocational school) or a nonprofit training center and that the information regarding the educational institution is true and accurate.

I certify that I will only use the resources supplied to me for educational purposes. I will not resell, distribute, or use the software or services for personal or commercial purposes.

Keep me informed about special news and offers. You can withdraw at any time.

Nexus: G-WEBCD6